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Jun 20, 2024 BEA 2024 Paper Awards

During the closing remarks of BEA 2024, three papers received awards: one best paper and two outstanding student papers.

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Jun 18, 2024 Panel: Large Language Models (LLMs) and their Impact on Education

NAACL 2024 featured a panel discussion on the impact of large language models (LLMs) on education, with panelists Karen Matías (National Autonomous University of Mexico), Swapna Somasundaran (ETS), Victoria Yaneva (NBME), and Ekaterina Kochmar (MBZUAI).

Apr 15, 2024 BEA 2024 Accepted Papers

We are happy to announce the list of papers accepted to BEA 2024! We received a total of 88 submissions to the main workshop track. After careful review, we approved 38 papers, leading to a 43% acceptance rate.


SIGEDU is the Association for Computational Linguistics special interest group for building educational applications. SIGEDU organizes the annual workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications – colloquially known as the BEA Workshop. Anyone can become a member of SIGEDU. If you are interested, please fill out this form.

This is a community website. If you would like to share resources, tools, announce job positions, information on related events, or start a discussion on educational applications, you are invited to submit a guest blog post by following the instructions here. All submissions will be reviewed by the SIGEDU executive board and published if approved.


SIGEDU was founded in 2017 and is ACL’s newest SIG. SIGEDU has the following goals:

  • promote interdisciplinary interest in educational applications.

  • promote the exchange and distribution of recent developments within the field of educational technology development.

  • provide means and venues for exchanging news on cutting-edge technology and advances within the field.

  • promote collaboration both within the ACL community as well as between the ACL and other communities working on educational applications.

BEA 2022

The 2022 NAACL Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications was held in Seattle, Washington on Friday, July 15, 2022.


Anti-Harassment Policy

SIGEDU adheres to the ACL Anti-Harassment Policy for the BEA workshops. Any participant of the workshop who experiences harassment or hostile behavior may contact any current member of the ACL Executive Committee or contact Priscilla Rasmussen, who is usually available at the registration desk of the conference. Please be assured that if you approach us, your concerns will be kept in strict confidence, and we will consult with you on any actions taken.